* How might we design characters from various identity groups that are complicated and three dimensional?
To facilitate an experience in which the player can experiment with their behavior, either by playing their ideal selves, subverting their ideal selves or by acting out their ought selves, the choices they make should be reflected in meaningful ways throughout the game. This can include changes such as a strong impact on the narrative or creating interesting opportunities for other players.
When considering ways of making your characters more interesting and relatable, remember to include many of the deep and intricate aspects of human personalities. Many characters in games, especially villains, have highly over-simplified personalities. A character's reason for trying to take over the world is often nothing more than that they are simply evil. You can avoid this in your game by considering the various elements of human personalities and including in with your character. These include strengths, weaknesses, fears, passions, and personal beliefs and logic, among many others.